We need this kind of teaching back in schools. Along with civics and the constitution 🇺🇸

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Home school your kids. You cannot change government schools, they belong to the corporation. I taught my son all about this. The "Laws of the Land" are the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution is the rules for the corporation. The Peoples' only laws are the Bill of Rights. You are a free and private American. Act like it.

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Great article...big history buff and love to wade thru revisionist nonsense to find real historical fact. Another big deal at this time was the passing of the Judicature Act in 1873, 2 yrs after the act that declared the gov of DC. Judicature act (most countries have one as do provinces and states, it is also akin to a Courts Act that establishes the courts jurisdictions and rules ect) set the stage for the "legal" realm to become supreme. It says it abolished Equity (higher court jurisdiction...look it up Coke v Ellesmere https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/renaissance-quarterly/article/abs/equity-and-ideas-coke-ellesmere-and-james-i/3BB614C40285423A949A5F3BDF0B5046) rules and procedures but it only set them in another place and enlarged legal land with colorable versions of equity rules that were way more malleable. It was a shame what they did to that court. Bleak House by Dickens was a 1800's hit piece on the Court of Equity. This was an article i posted on the corpratocracy that would have grown from what you lay out in your article.


Waiting with anticipation for for part II and III.

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It’s like in school I was handed a dot. Study and test on said dot. But no connection to any other dots or how the bigger picture might have been seen through the dots and their connections. I’m just paranoid enough to believe this was on purpose. And I’m sure glad I’m getting a second go at this now. Thank you IET. Lots to digest but grateful for the opportunity.

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Very thoughtful compilation of events, the American History I studied in school never touched upon the financial aspect of waging war and the debts incurred. Thank you.

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I like the fact you've given us a list of references, but it would be a lot easier & less time consuming if you made it possible to click on the link. The way it is we have to write the reference out & then type it into the browser, that takes a lot of time. I also wrote out a couple questions (for myself) as I read thru this first part, will need to find the answer to them & then maybe I'll share them with you, to see what your answer's would be. Thanks for the article, good reading. I did some research on the Act of 1871 several years ago, will have to go find my material on it & refresh my memory.

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a simple copy and paste takes a few seconds, copy the reference, open a new browser window and paste it and go. have fun!

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I know that but for some unknown reason my copy & paste function won't work.

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Just my compliments on the time, effort and high quality of work you always put out. It is remarkable!

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Thank you for this, so thorough and I feel like I just had a history lesson. Sadly I did not know of much of this. Will definitely be sharing with others. Looking forward to Part II!

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You do great work!!!

My summary: Follow the money.


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Thank you! 🙏

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Fantastic article! Not sure it’s possible to write a better, more terse summary.

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Wow. This is amazing. Thank you for all of your hard work. Can't wait for part 2.

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Thank you very much for laying out this history so clearly.

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Thank you! I read this when you were on Twitter. Thanks for reshaping & adding to it. Will share everywhere. I do have a favor to ask. I follow on Telegram bot you & WTM. Somehow, I am blocked from commenting. @Bellagucci21 , patriots I’m control. Any way to unblock me. I would never comment negatively. But says I was blocked by an admin. Thank you

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Try joining the chats again - I removed you off the blocked list

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Thank you!

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Wow. That was very informative- great job!

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Great information. Thank you!

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