This is pomeroy referenced in a Suit in the 1980's from florida. It speaks to how many times "Equity" authorities were used to press an "equitable remedy" and using therefore exclusively "equity jurisprudence". Law schools stopped teaching on Equity in any substantive amounts, certainly not having whole law schools dedicated to Equity as it should be...they hid it from our eyes and set legal land "colorable" law...when we only need black and white equity jurisdiction and know how to NOT press an legal matter in court...."In the preface to the first edition of his text book on Equity Jurisprudence in May, 1881, Professor John Norton Pomeroy was greatly concerned about the disastrous consequences of the then tendency to abolish the external distinctions between actions at law and actions in equity, the union of legal and equitable rights and remedies in one proceeding and the substitution of legal and equitable methods. Perhaps history will note that the rise and decline of Equity as a separate and distinct body of substantive law in Florida as paralleling the frequency with which reported Florida cases referred to Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence over the decades, which is illustrated as follows: 1890's — 1; 1900's — 3; 1910's — 5; 1920's — 11; 1930's — 40; 1940's — 28; 1950's — 24; 1960's — 23; 1970's — 9; 1980's — 4 to date, with this opinion being the fifth. Similarly, cases citing Story, Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence (1884) are as follows: 1900's — 1; 1910's — 0; 1920's — 1; 1930's — 5; 1940's — 2; 1950's — 2; 1960's — 0; 1970's — 2; 1980's — 1 to date with this opinion being the second." http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=14180904361479507772&q=Hutchens&hl=en&as_sdt=2,14&as_ylo=1988&as_yhi=1989 This was definately a HUGE move by the CROWN to keep us away from a better jurisidiction that is NOT MEANT FOR CORPORATIONS.

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Fantastic article/history lesson!!

Nicely laid out. Well done.

Now if part 3 doesnt cover past 1932, ignore the rest of this comment.

If part 3 does cover historical events of 1933 and beyond, then you should consider this

piece of information, which the Puppetmasters have made illegal in Europe.

Its a documentary that had me up all night bc I would pause and research what was said and then watch some more, and then pause and so on.

Its called: The Greatest Story Never Told (TGSNT)

I cant imagine a more shocking video. The last 2 years of Covid & Q dont even come close to as shocking as this. Adrenochrome is not as shocking as this.

The avalanche of truth is gaining momentum and size.

Hold on to your butts.

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love the article...good to hear george washington was not a freemason and confirmed the factions that seem to need more tracing. I see the old prussians in there also. waiting for the booms of part III.

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Hi, I wanted to leave a comment on your latest post, but it’s not an option. I am an organizational psych who quit my job last January to start America Rebooted and the Deprogram Your Mind Learning Series (I consider myself a citizen researcher and also don’t make a dime on my work). I have been observing for quite some time now we in the truth movement have been falling into the same psychological traps that have hurt us since the beginning of time. While we are awake to the dark truths of our world, we still can fall into old habits that are not the best of our human nature. Your post made me think about my own observations in the movement, the in-group / out group dynamics, the activation of ego defenses, the exploitation of cognitive biases, etc. Deprogramming isn’t just about learning truth, but deprogramming how you think. I believe you would find my content helpful as an additional yet less discussed aspect of the Great Awakening. You can find me on Deprogram Your Mind on Telegram, at americarebooted.org and on Rumble. Here is a 4 minute flavor of how I talk about what we are trying to get people to see: https://rumble.com/v1r5snu-programming-the-collective-illusion-4-mins.html

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Thank you for posting.

Are you going to continue this series?

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Thank you for your research on the Act of 1871. This does really explain the last couple centuries of the elite world order. I’ve been a fan since the beginning on Twitter.

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Well done, sir. I like my history in brief summaries, but even though you went into more detail, I found it to be very engaging. Looking forward to the next one. I've always been skeptical about the whole 1871 sovereignty discussion... a lot of what I read circles back to Trafficant's speech, some of which was verbal but not in transcript. I don't think it's authoritative and I have yet to see a clear case for anything other than sovereignty of the District of Columbia.

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Excellent. I don’t recall reading anything about these events in my history classes. But that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Looking for to your next history lesson.

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Have you come across how they enlarged the legal side of the courts in the judicatures acts they have passed? Initially this was done in England under their Judicature act, and it has caused much confusion in our courts. When they enacted the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in your country in 33' the Erie v Thompkins was the first test case of the new federal procedure which did not separate Law and Equity courts. Here is John Norton Pomeroy's preface (https://archive.org/details/nortonequity01pome/page/n15/mode/2up?view=theater) to his treatise's on equity jurisprudence (rules of the jurisdiction) where he stated people would get harmed over time with this change. Hiding equity jurisdiction and making us think it was merged into the at law courts and abolished...nope. They only abolished the physical court named chancery (in most states) but the rules of equity were overlain on the law but with the law using its lack of Equity Eyes and setting us under statute and codes/precedent law. We lost how to present an equitable suit on our behalf. We have been dumbed down. In the book "Bleak house" by dickens, every character knows of and what happens in the court of chancery, from the poor to the rich. We in present day think equity is a woke deal to hire untrained people because of their skin color or sexual orientation. Wrong. Equity jurisdiction and the jurisprudence it uses is higher teaching and allows us to be way more mature in our doings when we understand it. Its about RIGHTS, and an EQUITY is a RIGHT/INTEREST in something. Here is what Woodrow Wilson said before he became potus.We should never claim anything as a member of anything "aggragate" because all of the aggragate will get the bare minimum of what is avail. Look up the Duplessis Orphans from Quebec in the 1960's to see what a gov can and will do to take care of the aggragate public. (https://historyofrights.ca/encyclopaedia/main-events/duplessis-orphans/)

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